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Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions can I have?

The duration of therapy will depend what you feel you need from therapy. It can be agreed that we work with an open contract, or work with a fixed number of sessions. How many sessions you have is entirely up to you. I recommend we start with 6 sessions and review. Reviews help to assess whether your needs are being met, and will help to look at necessary adjustments or establish new goals.

How often will the sessions be?

I recommend starting with weekly sessions so that we can establish a relationship and start with some consistent work. If after a block of sessions, you would like to move to a fortnightly basis, this can be discussed on a case by case basis. If finances are a factor I suggest starting weekly for 6-12 sessions and then having a break or moving to fortnightly.

What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

They are both closely related however psychotherapy tends to be more in depth. Counselling tends to be sessions based on a current issue or issue that is unrelated to the past. It is talking therapy, where we can set goals or develop strategies to help make daily life more manageable. 

Psychotherapy is working and talking at a deeper level. It looks at exploring our past experiences, and how this relates to our behavioural patterns, sense of self, beliefs, identity, relationships and way of being. Psychotherapy aims to helps gain a deeper awareness of the roots of your challenges, and explores how our childhood experiences may still be affecting us in the present. 

Will I have the same session time every week?

Ideally, I try to book you in for the same time every week. There may be times where this cannot happen e.g. shift work, room availability etc. I have more flexibility on times with online sessions. Face-to-face sessions tend to be on Mondays and Fridays in various locations. If you opt to change to fortnightly sessions, the same time slot may not be guaranteed due to difficultly in finding a slot time alongside weekly clients. 

What is your cancellation policy?

I have a 48-hour cancellation policy, this covers cancellation for any reason. If you are unable to attend your session, please contact me by email or telephone and if this is less than 48 hours before your booked session, the full fee will be payable. 

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